GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


not saving edits..

VFBAVFBA001 opened this issue · 13 comments


doesnt seem to be saving macro edit properly. typically when you edit a macro save, and close it, GS pops back up to the main menu list.. now when i edit a macro and click save, and close, everything just closes without returning to GS main screen. Afterwards if i type /gs to check the macro i just edited, the edit is gone as if it never happened. ALSO when i look in my in-game macros ( /m ) it has changed all my macros from /click NAME to this:
/click [button:2] VFBA_BAL_AOE RightButton; [button:3] VFBA_BAL_AOE MiddleButton; [button:4] VFBA_BAL_AOE Button4; [button:5] VFBA_BAL_AOE Button5; VFBA_BAL_AOE


yes list of some of many version macros come up.


cant type lol.. that command makes a long list of some of my macros, but they seem to have lots of versions.. very strange


but GS just isnt saving still. it still isnt properly sending that command. If you edit a macro.. then close it.. gs just closes without saving (even tho i've clicked save )


the dump command def has stuff in it.. showing versions of my macros that dont exist. how can i reset or remove this?


ive been bypassing this problem by deleting the gs.lua and reinstalling GS, then copy pasting a saved druid.lua that has my macros in it inside the SampleMacros folder and then in-game letting it 'load'. it imports my changed macros. course if i want to adjust or change the macro, i need to edit the druid.lua and repeat process


ok, so i went back to default, leaving everything.. deleted the gse.lua and re-logged in. this fixed the problem, and gse went back to saving and reopening to main-screen once edit was save/closed. I then went ahead and imported my macros via the import function, and this worked, and added the macros to my list. during a pvp battleground i wanted to edit, i was hidden and out of combat, yet the glitch returned, doing the same thing. when i try to save, it gives you the "macro has been saved' message, i close the macro, and it just closes gs without returning to main-screen. when i check to see if the edit saved, its as if it was never edited. From what you wrote above im assuming my macro is breaking GSE, but i cannot figure out how? I basically copied one of the SAM macros and changed a couple things.. im lost. can you look at
them for me and see where im goofing it up?.


the way i wrote these macros was via GSE, i edited one of the SAM macros within GS, let it save, then i exported ...then i pasted it into one of your sample.lua files in this case the druid.lua... ive been just using my version of your druid.lua only with my exported macros saved on it, this way when GSE loads, it already has my macros listed. So i was positive the format was correct...but im no programmer :(


i did the above because i noticed that after making changes to macros and logging out that the macros are being saved somewhere else (i couldnt find them to backup), the SampleMacros folder remains stock. is there a way to have it save a version in the character folder just like blizz macros? have them read from that file rather than one file in the SavedVariables folder?


The only place Mods are allowed to write to is the SavedVariables Folders.


Its not about format but the way that GSE loads macros from the Samples file. Its different in the way it uses the API.