GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE Not Opening

Abalisk opened this issue · 1 comments


I installed GSE about a week ago so I could figure it out and help my 60 year old mom with some extended macros since she recently broke her wrist. After 2 days GSE stopped working for me. I have un-installed it, and re-installed it multiple times. I have had guildies install it on their machines to see if it is a common addon we use for raiding that is messing things up, and nothing so far. They all have functional versions.

When I type /gse in game, I get the following in my chat window and nothing else:
GSE: Arguments to /gse"
generalTab - General Options
colourTab - Colour and Accessibility Options
pluginsTab - GSE Plugins
debugTab - Debug Mode Options
