GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Head Slot Not Firing

andrewkhunn opened this issue · 5 comments


Latest beta of GSE 2.1 and my head slot (Skullblasters) don't activate even though I have the option to use it enabled in options. No per macro slots selected (all are greyed out). Trinket 1 is working as expected.


I did not know that (thank you) and I suppose I will have reevaluate it's inclusion in my usage.

But it definitely is still not ever working via GSE when enabled in options. The cooldown is never triggered.


I‘m using the beta5 version of GSE 2.1 and have a similar problem. After I chosed the option to use " "Trinket 1" and "Trinket 2", only the "Trinket 1" will be triggered in combat.
I know the two trinket cann't be triggered at the same time, but what I mean is when the GCD of trinket 1 and trinket 2 gets off (about 20 senconds), the trinket 2 can't also be triggered.
Sometimes it might be triggered after several ten seconds, in more cases trinket 2 never be activated. No matter how I change the trinket 1's and trinket 2's place....


It may also have to do with the combination of Trinkets. Some block others.