GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Importing Issue

Asirael opened this issue · 12 comments


Lately, I have an issue with importing macros. So, it will allow me to import one macro, but when I try to import a second, it doesn't load in even though it said it "successfully imported". Thus, I deleted the first macro, but then it won't import any macro after that. The only way I have found to get around this issues is to delete the macro, shut down my client, then reload back in, thus allowing me to import a macro, but still won't allow a second macro to be imported. I have also tired deleting and re-installing gnome sequencer, yet the problem still persists. Is there anything that can be done to fix this problem?

Also, my character's macro tab has space to allow new macros to be created, so I don't think that is problem. Also, there is no error in chat text when importing macro.


I have been unable to replicate this issue. Is there any further information?


For what it's worth, I'm having a similar issue now. I get import successful, but no macro.


got the same Issue,

no matter wich macro i wish to import, the addon say that the macro was succesfully imported but it didn't show up neither on macro list neither on the macro lua file (checked vith notepad++ each of the macro files)

it's seems like the macro are correct in the syntax (then accepted and thus validated) but not written and/or saved into the macro file.

dunno how to find or give you more info on that other than arrange a streaming session and you can tell me what you wish to see.

edit 09.05.2017 14h35: i found a workaround, i wrote all the macro i need directly into the GS-hpm folders and let the addon load them.

but if i try to modifi them from the addon, or delete them the macro are still there unchanged from the /lua file


I completly deleted the whole WTF, Interface, and Cache folder and i reinstalled trought the curse (now twitch) client the GSE addon and the GSE high performance macro,

the issue still persist,
if i import a macro it say succesfully imported but not showing on macro list either adding it inside the macro lua file.

if i open, for example , rogue.lua that is inside the GShpm folder i can copy the same macro i tryed to import and saving the file and relaunching game the macro is there.

i also tryed with game opened to copy another macro for the rogue ( after the first one copied before) and i save the file.
i reload the game without disconnect the the macro was there.

i think , for my case there is something related to the writing function of the addon, maybe some write permission or some write destination.

Dunno how i can help you into replicate htis and to give more info.


i just used this one:

Sequences['SUB'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Author="Çritmaster@Emerald Dream",
  Talents = "1233111",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [noform:1, nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast [form:1] Shadowstep",
        "/cast [combat] Shuriken Storm",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast [combat] Cheap Shot",
        "/cast [combat] Nightblade",
        "/cast [combat] Goremaw's Bite",
        "/castsequence  reset=6/combat/target  Backstab, Backstab",
        "/cast [combat] Shadow Blades",
        "/cast [combat] Eviscerate",
        "/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast [combat] Kidney Shot",
        "/cast [combat] Symbols of Death",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [noform:1, nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast [form:1] Shadowstep",
        "/cast [combat] Shuriken Storm",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast [combat] Nightblade",
        "/cast [combat] Goremaw's Bite",
        "/castsequence  reset=6/combat/target  Backstab, Backstab",
        "/cast [combat] Shadow Blades",
        "/cast [combat] Eviscerate",
        "/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast Shadowstrike",
        "/cast [combat] Symbols of Death",

and it went straight in
I'm using the alpha of 2.1.01 and it went straight in.


ok, how then to import macros ?
until now i'm unable to import them.


ok, testing the first one step done :
-Deleted WTF folder
-Deleted Interface folder
-Deleted Cache Folder
-Login into game without any addons, skipping cinematic, in Dalaran area with my rogue Subtely.
-Logout from the game.
-Downloaded the GSE 2.1.0 from Twitch client
-Imported macro
-Message on screen : Macro Imported.

  • Macro not showing into rogue /gs screen.
    -Logout 20 sec.
    -Macro not present into GSE.lua located into WTF..\

Edit 10.05.2017 01:39 : restarted my PC, the macro is there (?!?!?!)... i tryed to import a second macro, same message as before and not showing. exiting the game, check the gse.lua file the first macro was there but not the second one. restarted again.... checked the file... and both macro are there...

Any clue ? i can restart after each macro imported but that's weird -


Solved with alpha of 2.1.01, thanks dude :)