GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Verify location after character login in so macros are initialised with correct location config

cysteve opened this issue · 3 comments


(First, i am sorry if i dont do the reporting correctly, i don't know how.)
So, my problem, which i was able to reproduce multiple times:
I am a healer, so GS versioning is set up like:
"Default version" bound to 1 simple dps spell
all the rest of the dropdown menu (Raid ,Dungeon, Mythic, etc...) is bound to a healing spell.
we are doing mythic Nighthold, every time we get to the Botanist boss (also an area where you can mount) i do a /reloadui, and when the screen comes back GS is stuck in default dps mode whatever i do, until i manually switch "default" to the healing macro.
i have only tested that specific place, but maybe happens anywhere in the instance, i dont know.
GS looses the instance detection if i do a reloadui?
i am hooked on this addon, good work :)


Hi there, i necro my own post to add some more info, my experience in the last month
(recap, i have dps spell in solo/pvp version, the rest is set to a healing spell)

  • if i'm in combat and i join a raid (lets say LFR calls in) i am stuck in dps spell
  • there is some mythic+ dungeon tactic that calls for killing just a few mobs ,then running out of instance and back in to despawn the rest. (exit instance while in combat and quickly reenter) stuck in dps spell there too
  • lich king timewalking instaces? also stuck in dps rotation . ( this one makes no sense to me)

for now :) i understood how your trigger works, also how it correlates to this, just gave some real life scenario feedback
don't need to reply to this comment, you already did above


Timewalking should trigger as the same as heroic.