GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Editing a global macro creates a class-specific clone instead

Luckrider opened this issue · 3 comments


There is no error code that I can see but if I edit a global macro and save it it does not modify the global macro but instead clones the original global macro with the changes as a class macro.

I've tried the /run GSELibrary[0]["Macroname"] = GSELibrary[classid]["Macroname"] fix from an earlier issue and while it does "fix" the issue it takes the global macro off all other characters bars.


Double checked and yes the specialization / class ID drop-down lists Global - however, on the cloned macro (which shows up in the sequence viewer under the class header) it still lists Global in its specialization even though it doesn't show up on any other characters (I haven't checked to see if it shows on a different character of the same class but I would assume it would show up)


Found what was occurring. The save function was checking for a Global Class ID and changing it to a class id for storage. This is fixed in 2.1.01