GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


CleanOrphans command

Morphyloon opened this issue · 3 comments


Happens when I use /gs cleanorphans, attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)



Disabled Skillet, still threw the same error but referenced a different Ace 3.0 library in Archy at line 94.
Disabled Archy, still threw the same error but referenced a different Ace 3.0 library in Atkis at line 94.
Disabled Atkis, did it again at line 94, but in Atlus.
Disabled Atlus, did it again at line 94, but in IceHUD.
Disabled IceHUD, did it again...

See the pattern here? (apparently AceLib is very popular)

Disabled ALL addons but GSE. The "cleanorphans" command did not throw an error. It did nothing observable at all, nor clear the text box to indicate the command was accepted. Tried "checkmacrosforerrors" next and it was accepted, I think, since it vanished from the text box after entering.

I'm assuming that both commands worked and my GSE macros are cleaned so I can go back to normal and continue with all the addons.
