GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Allow Macros to be shared ingame via the comm channel.

TimothyLuke opened this issue ยท 1 comments


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There is a 256 character limit and the addon needs to register

RegisterAddonMessagePrefix( <string> )
    Returns a boolean if successful (could fail if it hits the client side limit of 512 prefixes).

IsAddonMessagePrefixRegistered( <string> )
    Returns a Boolean if the prefix has been registered.

<table> GetRegisteredAddonMessagePrefixes( <table> )
    Returns a table (or you can pass in a table), that will be filled in with all prefixes that were registered.

See for the transmission and compression.

WIll need LibCompress, AceComm and AceSerializer


This has been written. Now just need a GUI to go with it.