GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Create Alternating Loops Macro Type

TimothyLuke opened this issue ยท 6 comments


As an alternative to Sequential and Priority Step Functions create an alternative where you can have two loops and swap between them after X rotations. EG you have 4 lines that you want to do 20 times then 3 lines that you want to do 5 times


Reuse PreMacro, PostMacro and Sequence Boxes in the editor but allow a way of configuring them in the GUI


For 2.2 post 7.3


Got a breakthrough on this that will also significantly impact Inner Loop Macros.

Question: Do you want different step functions (sequential, priority, random) for each macro block?


The new flow would look like:

macros = {}
    Repeat = 2

    Repeat = 3

Do you want the control to be able to go:

macros = {}
    Repeat = 2,
    StepFunction = "Priority"

    Repeat = 3

Where there was no step function i would assume that the one on the configuration panel would be used.


This is sexy


Has been achieved as part of the code changes for #792