GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Differences in the execution of 2.1.02 macros in 2.1.07

Aaraa opened this issue · 2 comments


Thank you for your work on this addon. It has helped me enjoy the game again. :)

I also am seeing some delays that appear to cause a DPS loss. It appears switching from sequential to priority fixes them.

Macro spammed at .135ms. I tried manually spamming and had similar results.

The macro
/cast Fury of the Illidari
/cast Felblade
/cast Throw Glaive
/cast Blade Dance
/cast Chaos Strike

GSE v2.1.03+:
Sequential: ~400k dps over 5 mins
Priority: ~300k dps over 5 mins

GSE v2.1.02
Sequential: ~400k dps over 5 mins
Priority: ~400k dps over 5 mins

There are noticeable times where it will sit a full fury bar and should be casting chaos strikes, as everything else is on CD, and it seems to pause for a blade dance before the macro starts again
