GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


sample macro file

catstarr1224 opened this issue · 5 comments


sample macro file 9 23 2017
This is my sample macro file after todays update. There are no different classes anymore so I can not fix the macros back to the way I had them before. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
Cathie Starr


Well they no longer work. I was never able to get the program to import the macros so I have been doing copy and paste into the class I was using and now there is no class and the macros that I put in there from lazymacro are no longer there and i have no idea where to find them to add them.


Well I did find them in the file you said, except my hunter ones are not there. Can I just copy and paste the ones I need in there? I don't want to mess anything else up and frankly I suck without this addon. :)


Copying them into the C:\path\to\wow\WTF\Account\YourAccountName\SavedVariables\GSE.lua file may work but you need to follow the format of the file which is different to the format on WoWLazyMacros. You would be better off working out why you cannot use the import method.
