GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Latest version GSE causes macros to skip

Kyllane opened this issue · 12 comments


I had a problem with the new version of GSE skipping parts of a even simple macros (eg the Swipe/Thrash macro in stopped using Thrash). Tried uninstalling and resinstalling to no effect. Reverting to 2.2.02 resolves the issue for me. Noticed the problem with druid, DK and warrior macros, so I don't think its a class issue. Tried running it in debug mode but was not getting any error messages.


Same issue, my paladin does not cast Justicars Vengeance


Thanks for getting back to me - it is appreciated. I have enabled "Display Lua Errors" using the advanced interface options addon in case that helped (but it doesnt seem to). In the general options for GSE I have unticked "Prevent Sound Errors," "Prevent UI Errors" and "Clear Errors." In the debug section I have enabled debug mode and display debug messages. I have even ticked all of the modules in "enable debug for the following modules." Unfortunately all I get with any of the macros is a long list of Storage information which describes processing keys etc, then nothing. I get no combat debug messages at all. I have retested the new version with the Swipe/Trash macro on the target dummy, and for the first time I attack, it seems to work. However, in a very short time, it stops using Trash. I have found that if I increase the speed of my macro repeat on my Razer Nostromo to 80 msec from the usual 150 msec, it will cast Thrash again, but unsurprisingly this speed causes it to miss spells on more complex macros.

Thanks again for looking at this. At the moment, 2.2.02 is working fine.


Thanks again for getting back to me. I've tried the simple swipe thrash macro on the target dummies with both 2.2.02 and 2.2.03. There is a clear difference in the traces. In 2.2.02 there are regularly spaced four lines with "GCD in cooldown" in red followed by four lines all in green. This is entirely regular. In 2.2.03 I can get 20+ lines all in green before the block of four lines with "GCD in cooldown" in red. The green lines alternate between Swipe and Trash as expected, but for some reason, in 2.2.03, it doesnt actually seem to be casting Trash as often as it does with 2.2.02. I have looked at a more complex Macro (Dark Bear Roar, but it is harder to see any patterns and all the spells seem to be listed, but the dps goes from around 750 on 2.2.02 to around 480 on 2.2.03, so I assume somethings are being missed.

Sorry for causing problems and thanks again for the help.


Are you playing in a different language to english? I have looked at all the code changes between the two and the only possible difference I can find is that a bug that prevented the translator from loading has been fixed.


No, playing in English (EU). I guess it must be just something with my setup doing something unusual. I will stick with 2.2.02 for the moment and keep a copy of it in case the newer versions misbehave. Thanks for looking at it for me.


Can you try one last thing for me? In the GSE.TOC file in the GSE folder, could you put a # infront of translator.lua (eg #translator.lua) and then see is 2.2.03 is behaving as you expected 2.2.02 to?


I think you fixed it. I could only find one mention of translator (API\Translator.lua) and putting # in front of that line makes 2.2.03 cast Trash on cooldown the way 2.2.02 did. Also, the DPS on the more complex bear macro looks the same on both versions. I will test it on the raid tonight but I think its sorted - thank you so much.


Everything worked fine in the raid - we managed to clear normal and do two heroic bosses as well so a good night. Macros behaved as expected and on trash was sure that Thrash was casting appropriately on CD. Obviously can't edit any of the macros with that line commented out. The WoW in game menu simply says "English" but if I look at it has textlocale and audiolocale both set to enUS. I am more than happy to carry on running with what I have now and would like to thank you again for sorting this out for me.


There is a known issue in WoW with spells that are shared across specs (like Thrash kitty and Bear) they share the same spell name but not the same spell ID. Since we cannot call spells by ID in a macro it gets mixed up swapping specs from bear to kitty and back. I run into this all the time on my bear. Logging out and in or swapping specs a few times usually sorts it out. It’s not GSE, I game macros with Thrash do the same thing.