GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Editing a Sequence missing Resets = Target

vspangler opened this issue · 9 comments


So i am looking for a setting that according to the Wiki should have "Resets" with a check box called "Target".

Was this removed?

6th image down.


So on wow patch 7.1.0 the ability to do this was removed from wow?

Also you said that options that you can sue to reset is combat... that i understand. So if we want to do this with a rotation we would have to write it like this? /castsequence reset=target blah,blahblah


Is there any chance to get this back? Or was that removed for a reason?
The reason i ask, is that I can write a rotation that would be efficient but it would require the initial rotation to be reset if the target changes. unfortunately the castsequence will not be effective or efficient.


So yes,

The feature that I built to replace the target=true option to reset the entire sequence when a target was changed was to add a key combination available as macro reset in options that would do the same thing as reset=target but for the entire macro not just a specific castsequence line.

This is the portion that I am talking about. This would be a very useful option if it can be brought back. If you can clarify, can it come back or did Blizzard remove the api that makes this possible?


Bummer, thanks for the heads up on the change to the Blizzard API. btw you need to edit your previous post... your e-mail and phone number is showing up.
