GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GS Beta 7: Pre-Existing Macros Breaking on Save/Update to Caps

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Just a small issue that i guess has existed since Beta 3.

If you have an existing macro pre-upgrade (i am using this in live too) it will be in lower case. Not a problem, it still works.
When you update/save your macro it will then save this macro as caps on the viewer and storage only.

Icon on the action bar will still be lower case.
Can no longer delete the updated icon on the viewer because the macro in /m is still lower case and can't be orphaned by GS.

Fix to make this work is to delete the existing macro in /m which turns the macro back into a book and then re-create the icon and drag it. Macro icon at that time will be created in caps

This only affects existing macros. New and Imported are perfectly fine as the macro in /m is not created yet.


Found it as Upgrade801 = true

It did seem to work, it ended up orphaning my existing lower cases and left me to go ahead and create new icon 👍