GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Possible to check if monk Aggro Statue exists before recasting it

Goten87 opened this issue · 6 comments


Hello Timothy
I love what you have done with the addon it makes my farming day a lot eazyer and faster so i can make more money

i just have a question about a function i like to see if its not in yet

you know that Monks can put down a statue to pull aggro from around it
so my question is is there a way to make it that if i have the statue up it will not do it anymore
then when its over so the 15min time it will put it down again on the next rotation or somthing
somting like /cast [spell-notexits] Statue spell

this will be a epic addition to the addon
sins it will give us a buff that its up with a timer so maby you can do it with that

Greets Goten87/Maharaja


This is not really a bug all you would have to do is remove it from the base macro and put it on a key modifier to let it you have total control over it


i have now the /cast ![@player] Summon Black Ox Statue in my macro but it seems not to do the not casting it will cast it on cooldown


Tryed that as well but WoW or gse Will remove that ! From the macro then I Will try and fix it tomorrow again this was a fast make macro for farming So I Will check it again when I wake up


You could also put it in the PreMacro and then it will only cast once per combat. You could use the macro reset key bind to reset it if you wanted to move it in combat.

(I do a similar thing with Arcane Familiar for the mage.)


Im still looking at this - Is the Statue classed as an aura?

ie does /cast !Statue spell work?

If its classed as an aura, the ! means dont cast it if its there.