GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Cosmetic - Macro Names Vanishing on GUI

Opened this issue · 35 comments



Not sure what is triggering this but at times some macros are losing their names. This is purely a cosmetic issue.
Possibly with the fact it's an existing macro updated from beta 11/12 in live to the new version


I have the same issue, and didn't have any beta versions installed.


had the same issue, but after importing a makro from wowlazymacros all the makro names showed up again like magic ^^


if this occurs could someone do a couple of tests: log out and back in and see if the missing name reappears? It appears to be a race condition but I need more information. If it doesnt reappear could you close wow completely and upload the GSE.lua file


A pic is worth 1000 words:

Names gone


A /reload does not bring them back, logout/login will not, a full client restart does not. A new import has done so for a moment, when it first loads, but as soon as I edit, the names are gone again.

Checking though BugGrabber/BugSack, I'm not seeing anything relating to GSE today.


Here is a copy of the GSE file as requested.

I have tried to log in and out and it won't come back.
I have been semi successful by adding and deleting macros but they don't stay long.


Doesnt change with log in/out. making new macros etc.. still the same.
They were showing at one point, but then just completely vanished on all my toons (all 12 classes). I think i have about 50 GSE macros. All with no visible names.

screenshot is in #422

file: File as requested.


Can confirm that does seem to help.


Clue: Starting with a screen of missing names and missing talents, I imported new macros. Instantly, all macros names and talent list appeared.

When I closed the window and reopened, the names and talents were missing.

Hope this helps.


Maybe having my current Savedvariables might help (My Disc priest is the one i am playing atm with that issue)


Not sure what you mean by a "race condition". If you mean the player race of the toon. I have the issue on all my toons, which include:

You can try my GSE file as well if you want to test it.

I can confirm that typing /gs twice will show the names.
/gs ->gui loads (no macro names)
/gs ->gui loads -> /gs (macro names show)


FYI if this helps you TimothyLuke. I was cleaning up my Macros i didn't want anymore and the Macro names re-showed themselves. I hope this helps narrow down your bug tracking for you.


FYI, When i retype /gs when the window is already open, it shows the names fine.


Another finding I found is if I open /gs then type /gs again the labels reshow again. Hope this helps out also


@TheSlickrock - Today at 2:36 PM

@TimothyLuke Just tested it on Beta, similar results. The names are not disappearing, but if I import macros on one hunter, they are inaccessible to drag to the bars on a second hunter. If I add a new macro on the second hunter, it is inaccessible to the first hunter (same thing with the icon changing to some "book")


Did some more testing on Beta, similar results. Turned off Bartender, and still had the inaccessible icon (with the icon changing) issue. Had one other weird thing show up. This may be due to the default element that was at that button placement, but it showed up after I placed a macro there, and tested moving it away..

screen shot 2018-07-22 at 10 20 34 pm


I have disabled all add-ons except GSE2 and the name plates all stay after performing an import/export, create icon, log-out/log-in, /reloadui, and even using the macro. I will turn them on one by one and report back any that cause the problem.


I did more testing on this.
I installed Ace3 separate but it didn't make a difference.
I disabled all addons and reloaded the UI but kept just GSE loaded. After the reload /gs would show the macro names when first invoked, every time but when closed and invoked again they were blank. Further /gs while /gs was invoked will restore the names.

I then re-enable all addons, back to no names on first invoke even after reload until I disabled new openables (NOP) from there im back to the behaviour of names appearing after reload and first invoked but subsequent /gs cause them to be blank


After testing each addon one at a time, I came across 5 that caused the macro names to disappear. Decursive, Mogit, NPCscan, H.H.T.D, Realm Hop Assist.
Edit: Additions to the list Weak Auras 2, Gathermate2

@Cymiryc When I started I disabled all addons including GSE. I loaded it by itself and then commenced to loading addons one at a time. So, the only difference was my initially unloading GSE and reloading it before selecting other addons. Maybe try that and see if you get the same results?




Did some digging. It's an issue with fonting.

Hardcoding the SetFont calls to use Fritz doesn't show the behavior.

Leads me to believe

local fontName, fontHeight, fontFlags = GameFontNormal:GetFont()

is returning fontName as nil at some stage, still digging.


Sorry to throw a curveball, but I hope this will help. I believe it has to do with certain addons and font as @Daeymien stated, but not in conjunction with each other. I logged in with a 2nd toon to disable the addons I listed. After doing so the disappearing font issue was still happening (like it was for Cymiryc) . I then repeated the process as I did on the first toon, but this still didn't fix it. I couldn't find any differences except for one. On toon 1 I have multiple macros that fill the sequence viewer window, on toon 2 I only had one macro. I then imported several more macros to fill the sequence viewer window and now the issue is resolved except If load any of the addons I listed, it breaks the font again. To test I deleted the extra macros I imported and it broke again.


#435 seems to report this occurring after Decursive is added into the mix.


FYI: I don't use Decursive and am still having that issue.


Edit: NM, Brain wasnt working because i was using my macro that has /gs twice in it, no diff even disabling clique but still sounds possible

Ah, very likely since i just disabled Clique Addon and names appear fine now
Ace3 ?


New update, didnt fix it for me. Sorry i dont have more input, but think i said everything.

If you want anything from my end, let me know.


So I did some more testing on Beta.

The name issue is not showing up, at least as frequently. However, the inaccessible icon issue is still there.

If I import all the macros onto one character, it's fine. If I go to another character of the same class, the icons have changed to the "book" icon, and you can't interact with them. If I reimport the macros onto the second character (of the same class) it's fixed for that character, but they are then broken for the first character. Also, to reimport the macros, I have to do one, logout of that character and log back in, and then I can reimport a second macro. If I don't do that, it doesn't pick up the reimport.

So there appears to be some problem when you have multiple characters of the same class.

I also went back to live and tested applying /gs once it was already open, and that does temporarily fix the font problem, but NOT the inaccessible icon problem.

Finally, I discovered one other thing about the inaccessible icons. If I import a macro, AND drag it to my bars, the icon "sticks" and is accessible on a return to that character. If I don't drag it to a bar, it becomes inaccessible on next load of that character.

So the work around seems to be, besides hitting /gs again, to also be sure to drag each icon to the bars, even if you're not using it currently, to keep it accessible on that character.


Well damn.. didn't know that. ok, that resolved that issue.


Found it - was a fault in Ace3. have submitted a work around:

This will be pushed in 2.3.03 in an hour