GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Name disappearance and Macro button problems

TheSlickrock opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So I can verify what others have been reporting.

I started having problems today after trying to add macros to a new character. First, the names disappeared (which had been occurring already sporadically). After that, I could not drag macros to my bars. I tried will all my addons except Bartender turned off, same issue.

I then deleted every trace of GSE, reinstalled, and reimported addons. The same issue occurred. First the names disappeared, and then by the third character, the addon names were all gone, and I could not drag the icons.

Also... the icon of the addons changed from the default ? icon that most authors use, to a book-looking icon.

If I go back to the first character, the names are gone, but the icons are still the ? one. Back to the third character, and nothing works.

Finally, I started all over and deleted it all again, and repeated, with the same results.


Hey TheSlickRock

This is a duplicate of #426 - pity that 2.3.02 didnt solve the issue I will keep looking and report progress over on that thread.