GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE 2.3.02 - Spells that change name due to metamorphosis don't always revert

EnixLHQ opened this issue · 3 comments


This is most notable with Demon Hunters, but might affect anyone who has spells that change their names temporarily due to a class feature.

When you use Metamorphosis the following changes inside the macro:
-Chaos Strike becomes Annihilation
-Blade Dance becomes Death Sweep

When Metamorphosis ends, these abilities change back. Sometimes the macro will not change back and lock up attempting to use abilities that are not available.

Prior to 8.x calling an ability's previous form name, like Chaos Strike for example, while Annihilation was active would still perform Annihilation correctly.


This is related to #406

These two abilities are not on the list of spells that do this. just need to do a small check: Attack a target dummy metamorphasise and in an ordinary macro have /cast Chaos Strike and check that it does Annililation Same with Blade Dance

The ones I know about are:
-- Demon Hunter
Statics.BaseSpellTable[203555] = 162243 -- Demon Blades -> Demon’s Bite
Statics.BaseSpellTable[263642] = 203782 -- Fracture -> Shea


This was an issue before. Tim cached the spell names so that the base skills can/should be used and once no longer talented or altered they would return to normal, looks like another variation has appeared.


Chaos Strike - Spell ID: 162794
Blade Dance - Spell ID: 188499
Annihilation - Spell ID: 201427
Death Sweep - Spell ID: 210152

Using " /run print(GetSpellLink("Chaos Strike"):match("spell:%d+")) " in-game returned these values. Chaos Strike returned 162794 while in normal form and returned 201427 in Meta form. Blade Dance put out 188499 in normal form and 210152 in Meta form.

Annihilation and Death Sweep return "nill" if attempted to be called while in normal form, but call the above IDs when in Meta form.

Also, yes, using /cast Chaos Strike while in Meta form still performs an Annihilation.