GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Localisation failed

James-Yu opened this issue · 2 comments


Client version 27144, localisation zhTW.

It looks like the localisation depends on blizzard API GetSpellInfo here.

Unfortunately, GetSpellInfo seems not accepting spellName as the argument, at least with zhTW. /script print(GetSpellInfo(162794)) yields the correct info, but /script print(GetSpellInfo(混沌之擊)) (chaos strike for DH) generates nothing in the chat. I have no idea if it is a local problem or not.

A direct consequence is that the imported macros cannot be translated, rendering them almost unusable. Example localisation debug message:

Translator: <DEBUG>  Entering GSE.TranslateString with : 
/cast [mod:ALT,@player,combat] Metamorphosis
Translator: <DEBUG>  cmd : 
cast etc: [mod:ALT,@player,combat] Metamorphosis 
Translator: <DEBUG>  GSE.TranslateSpell Attempting to translate [mod:ALT,@player,combat] Metamorphosis 
Translator: <DEBUG>  Entering GSE.GetConditionalsFromString with : [mod:ALT,@player,combat] Metamorphosis 
Translator: <DEBUG>  checking left : 1 
Translator: <DEBUG>  checking right : 24 
Translator: <DEBUG>  We have left and right stuff 
Translator: <DEBUG>  mods changed to: [mod:ALT,@player,combat] 
Translator: <DEBUG>  str changed to:  Metamorphosis 
Translator: <DEBUG>  checking for reset= in Metamorphosis 
Translator: <DEBUG>  GSE.TranslateSpell conditionals found  
Translator: <DEBUG>  output: [mod:ALT,@player,combat]  mods: [mod:ALT,@player,combat] etc: Metamorphosis 
Translator: <DEBUG>  Metamorphosis was not found 
Translator: <DEBUG>  Did not find : Metamorphosis.  Spell may no longer exist 
Translator: <DEBUG>  Did not find : [mod:ALT,@player,combat] Metamorphosis 
Translator: <DEBUG>  Exiting GSE.TranslateString with : 
/cast [mod:ALT,@player,combat] Metamorphosis 

Same with client version 27165.


When I use Portugese as a test language it works. Note that Old macros WONT WORK. Only new ones made within 8.0 will work.

There is no ingame way of translating the English "Metamorphosis" to the equivalent spell. I tried to do this but was unable to keep up with the spells and bits and pieces. Now all macros store the ID and need to be made within the ingame editor and exported.


Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation!