GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Revive Pet / Mend Pet not switching properly

Baeon opened this issue · 8 comments


/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet, dead] Revive Pet

GSE seems to rewrite my macro on the fly to allow for the different versions of Revive pet and Mend pet. This would be ok, but it seems to not revert when my pet dies, so even though my macro is written with revive pet, GSE changes it to mend pet because when the macro initializes the pet is alive... i think.

I have found a workaround, which is to create a normal macro and then put it on my action bar, and use "/click ActionBar7" within the GSE macro itself. This just feels bad.

Is there any way to keep GSE from rewriting the macro?


i am confused. how is wow changing what i see in gse? i type in the above into gse, and when i save it, it saves as the other version of the spell.

This is what I type:
7-30-2018 12-09-46 am

And this is what GSE saves:
7-30-2018 12-10-31 am


see, yours still says revive pet. mine changes to mend pet whenever i put revive pet in the GSE macros... or whenever i import anyone else's macros... even when everything is disabled except GSE.

8-3-2018 12-18-42 am

8-3-2018 12-19-16 am


This is an exert of what GSE changes:

-- Priest
Statics.BaseSpellTable[123040] = 34433 -- Mindbender -> Shadow Fiend
Statics.BaseSpellTable[200174] = 34433 -- Mindbender -> Shadow Fiend
Statics.BaseSpellTable[205369] = 8122 -- Mind Bomb -> Physic Scream
Statics.BaseSpellTable[205351] = 8092 -- Shadow Word: Void -> Mind Blast
Statics.BaseSpellTable[204197] = 589 -- Purge the Wicked -> Shadow Word: Pain
Statics.BaseSpellTable[271466] = 62618 -- Luminous Barrier -> Power Word: Barrier
Statics.BaseSpellTable[228266] = 228260 -- Void Bolt -> Void Eruption
Statics.BaseSpellTable[205448] = 228260 -- Void Bolt -> Void Eruption

-- Hunter
Statics.BaseSpellTable[259387] = 186270 -- Mongoose Bite -> Raptor Strike

-- Warlock

-- Shaman
Statics.BaseSpellTable[192249] = 198067 -- Storm Elemental -> Fire Elemental
Statics.BaseSpellTable[157153] = 5394 -- Cloudburst Totem -> Healing Stream Totem

You will notice in the Hunter space that Mend Pet and Revive Pet are not listed. This is WoW changing your values not GSE.

personally I use this with no issues.
/cast [mod]Revive Pet; [@pet,dead]Revive Pet; [nopet]Call Pet 1; Mend Pet



Just to clarify GSE is not making this change. It’s not something GSE has any control overs. WoW merged Revive Pet and Mend Pet into a multi button spell.


BaeonToday at 3:51 PM
the weird part is that revive pet does both, but mend pet only mends pet, and breaks lines that use it while pet is dead... they dont even get sent, or whatever
ok, final confirmation now, confirmed working in all states, "/use" revive pet works universally as revive or mend pet


I've forced Mend Pet to save as Revive Pet This will also mean that the same line will do one or the other reducing a step out of macro.s


This Issue is back since today's update.