GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Feature Request: Side by Side macro view

DMSteel opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Cymiryc said this would be the best place for this. I'd love it if we could see 2 macros side by side in GSE in-game. That way when comparing two macros or making a new macro based on old ones, you wouldn't need to go back and forth between two different ones. Or need to have a macro in a word document and have to alt+tab in and out.

I don't know anything about addon creation, so I have no idea how complex this would be to implement. Just a feature I think many would get use out of.


Ive been looking into this and the problem is the two windows happening at the same time. each could overwrite the other inadvertantly


This requires a rewrite of the interface which at the moment is not something I have the time to commit to.