GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Place "/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1" at the end of postmacro

quicksylver opened this issue · 2 comments


Needs adjusted... See code below, Core.lua, line 46. This loads the other PostMacro information before the final "/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1"

postmacro = postmacro .. "/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1\n"

Example (Incorrect, v1.2.3):

[20:53:36] Dump: value=_G['ProtST']:GetAttribute('PostMacro')
[20:53:36] [1]="\
/use [combat] 14\
/use [combat] 13\
/use [combat] 12\
/use [combat] 11\
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()\
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();\
/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1\
/cast Shield of the Righteous\
/cast Ave"...+16

Example (Corrected):

[22:30:24] Dump: value=_G['ProtST']:GetAttribute('PostMacro')
[22:30:24] [1]="/use [combat] 14\
/use [combat] 13\
/use [combat] 12\
/use [combat] 11\
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()\
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();\
/cast Shield of the Righteous\
/cast Avenger’s Shield\
/console Sound_Enabl"...+16

It should actually be :

[22:30:24] Dump: value=_G['ProtST']:GetAttribute('PostMacro')
[22:30:24] [1]="
/cast Shield of the Righteous\
/cast Avenger’s Shield\
/use [combat] 14\
/use [combat] 13\
/use [combat] 12\
/use [combat] 11\
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()\
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();\
/console Sound_Enabl"...+16

The extra stuff should be after the player stuff.


tested. CLosing ready for 1.3 release.