GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE macros not working

antarek opened this issue · 2 comments



I m having an issue with GSE. Macros that i create don't work. After opening the macro to edit it i notice that all skill names remain white. It's as if the skill name wasn't recognized by GSE. I m using the French client of the game so i use the French name of skills when making a macro. Also to be sure to type the skill name correctly i use my skill book to automatically write the skill name by pressing shift when clicking on a skill. For exemple to cast the "Earth Shock" skill i ll type /cast Horion de terre in GSE.


But then when i press the macro button to test it i get an error message in the chat saying "option de macro inconnue :" followed by the skill name (screenshot just below). In English it means "unknown macro option".


So i don't know if i m doing it wrong or if it's a bug but if i try to create a macro by myself instead of importing one then it doesn't work.


Thanks a ton Timothy! :)