GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


WoW Warnings/Errors

shadeflayer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


As of late on 08/15 the "Prevent UI Errors", "Prevent Sound Errors", and "Require Target to use" options are no longer being honored when selected in the Options GUI. Was clipping along quite well on my hunter yesterday morning with no errors/warnings like "You need to target something first" warnings, etc. but then I believe Bliz push an update yesterday and now all the errors, warnings, etc. are back.

16 aug 16 10 09

Edit: A reboot seemed to fix it - strange


In your WoW - System menu, go to Sound and untick Error Speech. GSE cant override that setting.

All the others are working for me so far.