GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Macros removed from hotbar

brunur opened this issue · 8 comments


First of all I want to say thanks Timothy for making such a valuable addon! I cannot play without it anymore. So this has happened to me with different macros for different classes and has been happening since legion. I'll login and my macros are gone from my hotbar. I'll open gse, click create icon and as I start to drag it to the hotbar it repopulates where it used to be, albeit grayed out until I put the icon there. The past few days this has happened many times, on 3 toons. Is this a known conflict with another addon or a gse issue? I have seen other posts on lazymacros regarding it happening. Keep up the great work and thanks for any help.


Thanks for the response. no, this has happened several times on many different toons and is not recent, it has happened since legion, just rarely and now with more frequency. I am all updated and have been using bfa macros successfully since it launched, not legion macros. These are current macros.


If its the first time for that character then yes its expected. Legion macros wont work in BfA and need to be recreated and the macro stub recreated in /macro


Yes this has happened on the same character several times, 5 toons that I can recall. 2 of them are the same class on opposite factions. It has not happened now in two days, but did happen to 3 of them in a matter of 4 days, two of which were twice in the same day (logining in and out hours later). I have used the macros since bfa launch on each character successfully for several days at least before the macros disappeared. I have never closed with alt f4. Is there a way to force the settings to be saved or check if for some reason I do not have it saving? and if that were the case why would it work for a week at a time and then stop? Its not the end of the world, I just have to remember to check my hotbars when logging in before I go do anything.


It happens on login. I've had it happen with both factions and at least 4 different classes. I can be in a city, or outside or anywhere random. I have no lua errors currently from any addon just to throw that out there. I login, notice my macros are gone. I go to gse and the macros in question no longer have icons. I create the icons and as soon as I start dragging to the bar it pops back up, albeit grayed out until I drop the icon on it. Should I just remove the addon, all macros and clear cache etc? Its random, has happened twice in a day to 2 toons or I can be fine for a week.


so its been 4 days and it just happened to two different classes, same faction. both on login this morning. I'm guessing this is a frustrating issue that probably has no fix?
