GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Enhancement to Statics.lua

Opened this issue ยท 1 comments


-- Hunter - Current
Statics.BaseSpellTable[259387] = 186270 -- Mongoose Bite -> Raptor Strike
Statics.BaseSpellTable[136] = 982 -- Mend Pet -> Revive Pet

--Addition to hunter
Statics.BaseSpellTable[270335] = 259495 -- Shrapnel Bomb -> Wildfire Bomb
Statics.BaseSpellTable[270323] = 259495 -- Pheromone Bomb -> Wildfire Bomb
Statics.BaseSpellTable[271045] = 259495 -- Volatile Bomb -> Wildfire Bomb

Talent is Wildfire Infusion = 271014

I have added these to my own statics and they do work for all 3 changes but without the addition only Shrapnel Bomb will be used.


This is a duplicate of #470 adding the additional information to that and closing this.