GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


detect cd skills

Trigun87 opened this issue · 12 comments


is possible to prevent gse go to next line of the code if the skill is in gcd instead cd (or other reason)?
for ex i have 5 skill (1,2,3,4,5) all with 20 sec cd each and skill 6 without cd
i do a macro like that
/cast 1
/cast 2
/cast 3
/cast 4
/cast 5
/cast 6
and i want use the skill in this order but if i press fast on the button during the gcd it spam 6 or use in a different order
(like old macros in vanilla/tbc cast the first skill out of cd of the order)


why don't change the code with something like if (outofcd(line[i]) line[i]
and outofcd use something like WA check (if weak aura can detect the skill out of cd i think is scriptable, i don't know lua scripting :-( )


can you point me where is the code when u click the macro button?


i still think it can be implemented ^^ u don't need to do the action on proc but u can do the check on the click of the button
instead of get the line[i+1] u can scan the cd of all the skills and go to the line[n] with the less cd and better priority
onclick: {skill1:15sec; skill2:10sec; .... } sort and get the lowest cd with hightest priority (ofc u don't do that in a macro but with lua code)
btw i don't know what part of the code do the nextline so i don't know how is implemented right now :-P


and if you preload the cds? like a background check and when u click it open the already loaded table and select the best choice? or vars aren't shared too?
i think i saw an addon with the 1 button mode during legion (but was an external icon and i didn't know if in the option was possible to bind the icon with a key)


if you can set the order u just need to continue use the first skill in order till the background service (or the post click) don't change the order
the lua code sucks :-) i always write stuff for do what can't be done with the software or website i use... read that u can't do something with a code is hurting my feelings :-D


I'll simplify this,
Blizzard Addon API and subsequent Macro API has limitations to prevent full automation.

These include anything related too a decision process based on cool downs, checking of buff or debuff applied to targets, how much health a target has etc.

No macro or addon can make the decision on what is best for situations, you can read the data and display the data in useful ways but you cannot code anything which can cast abilities for you according to the data. This is enforced by blizzard to prevent unfair advantage and only thing which comes close is a grey area of using third party software too create timed key presses (in which you would program your keyboard too press certain buttons at certain intervals) you could potentially couple that with a in game macro and get the result you want but you have to work out your own timing for when to cast what and it is a grey area!

I is still not reading any data you are just creating automated timing of key presses and is not full proof may get kicked or warned or banned if found to be doing this form of third-party macro. It is a grey area as blizzard state that a real person must press a key for an action, this starting a timed macro ui have to press a key tho blizzard at any time can act in this and do with thw account as they please if reported and found guilty. However at this time no known cases of a player being banned has came of this. Just don't be stupid and use a timed macro in pvp or a ranked game and you should be okay.

But understand that no addon or macro will make a smart choice and react to situations for you at best they can be programmed to check what the last thing you used or pick between casts based priorities etc but not use any details of the fight to decide what to cast next!