GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


/use Toggle boxes not saving

lcestou opened this issue · 17 comments


Hello Timothy,

I haven't had the chance to test this but it seems to be popping up on different topics at the forums people having this issue.

Supposedly the /use ticks on the right are not behaving like they should to stay on or off when saving the macro in the editor.

These are the topics I found and there was another but can't find at the moment:


I think a little more specificity might help...

We cannot save trinket use status WITHIN a particular macro. Mine are set as gold. I change them to black. They visually show black. I make sure I am not in combat. I save the macro I tried to edit to black for trinket use. I exit and reload GSE. I click on the same macro I tried to edit to black for trinket use and the trinket use options within that macro are back to gold. That is the problem we are having.

Moreover, I CAN alter the general GSE options to set general trinket use parameters and those do save. But even if I set the General options for trinket use to black, the gold options which appear in the individual and seemingly unalterable specific macros overrule same.


So, I tried again. I made the changes in the tab. I hit save. It said the macro sequence was saved. I hit close. I waited 60 seconds and logged off wow completely. I went back in and still no change to the trinket tab within the macro. Is there some other step I am missing to save changes? Moreover, other changes to the macro itself do save. But changes to the trinket use in the macro do not.


Oh, it did reappear on it's own before I logged off and exited. It took about two seconds for it to reappear after I hit close.


It is not a saving or queing issue as I can edit the macros themselves and save the changes all day long. I just cannot get the trinket on use gold squares to remain black when the changes are saved. In other words, the problem is specific to the trinkets and not to the saving.


Totally understand. Either way, thank you for the incredible work you have done on this project.


After changing the use trinkets to black in the specific tab of the macro I am trying to edit and after I hit save, GSE says the sequence {macro name} is saved. At that point I hit close. Nothing happens. I hit close again and the GSE window disappears. Then I /reload and /gs, click the macro I want to edit and see that the on use trinket(s) in that tab are once again gold.

there you go.
I have also supplied a yt video of how to reproduce this: