GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Hanging up

orog58 opened this issue · 80 comments


After the last update, macro I've been using for weeks started hanging up. It's really weird cause it might only happen once or twice an hour but it locks itself into only casting 2 abilities and only reverts back specifically after doing a /reload.
Specifically I play havoc demon hunter. My macro has demon bite, chaos strike, immolation aura, and blade dance, it always locks cycling between demon blades and immolation aura only. Since the lock up started happening (only after last update), I've done everything to make the macro less complex. There is nothing in Key Release, I took out all the /castsequences . So the macro is super easy but still locking up.
I've tried deleting GSE and reinstalling. I've tried creating a new macro with the same lines. And I've cleared my wow cache.. Nothing seems to work


From what I'm able to tell it seems like GSE thinks I'm in Metamorphosis mode when I'm not. Happens VERY randomly/ relatively infrequently


run /gs debug and watch what happens. If you run that when it is locking up it will tell you why


From that image - the DB_Ret is the macro name the 1 is the step then what it was trying to do and then any line that has a red bit in it was skipped for that reason.




That's really weird cause only gse macros get locked up. I have to switch back to manually hitting the individual abilities when the lock up happens, which totally work while the macros are locked. And the macros get unlocked and work fine after a /reload


@orog58 Can you export your macro and post it here? I have a DH that maybe I can try to look at it.


Here is the macro as it sits currently. When it started happening I removed both the premacro and post macro abilities to try and make "less complex" in case that was the issue. But it wasn't and the lock ups kept happening, so I put them back in.


@TimothyLuke I have not yet tried the manual reset but I've added it, if that works that would be amazing as a stop gap.

Also, not sure how this would even be possible but I've noticed that the lock ups only seem to happen in confined quarters... Ie. hallways in Waycrest Manor, or the hallways for trash right before Zuqul in EP. Everytime it locks up I notice that i'm in a confined space. That probably is totally a coincidence but whatever thought I'd share just the same.


I'm also a demon hunter and am having the exact same issue, the sequence keeps sticking and casting my filler demons bit over and over. If I take my finger off the button for a bit and try again eventually it will resume but gets stuck again shortly after. Started to happen ony in the last couple of days I've been using the same macro for months.



little bit of troubleshooting, I reimported a fresh version of the macro and it is working fine but with the import trinket useage is on. I turned trinkets off and it is still running fine but trinkets are still being used on cooldown unfortunately even with the options toggled off.
When the original version stopped working it was the same time I got the razor coral trinket so i disabled macro useage in the original. It did stop using the trinkets in the original but it then started the lock ups.


@TimothyLuke Hang ups still happening, BUT the manual reset does seem to fix it, so I'm happy


Posting a work around in case it helps others with the same issue, I created a new macro manually and pasted the lines from my old one into the key press and sequence boxes from my old one into the new one and turned trinkets off then hit save and this has solved the lockup and the trinket use problem. Looks like the trinket use options save when first creating the macro but dont work for existing macro's. Hope this helps as a temp work around for some =)


Yeah that doesn't work for my issue. I tried that early on thinking it was a corrupted macro file, so I just created a new one. Hasn't helped. And the manual reset seems to work only sometimes. II have to be lucky and manage to get a reload off between pulls when i'm in a dungeon.


and the new macro I used had a new name as well... didn't change anything


yes apologies it seemed to resolve my issue but after a few hours of gameplay it has re-occured. I'll wait patiently for a fix thanks.


This is a quirky situation and there may not be a "fix". From everything I can see and what you are telling me GSE is doing exactly what it is supposed to. The problem is that WoW is not doing what it is supposed to with the information that GSE is sending.

Instead of a /reload - what happens when you exit combat? I ask that as the option to reset the macro when combat finishes does exactly the same thing in GSE as a /reload would do. It resets the macro to the state of initial load but it only changes GSE not everything else around it..

The underlying problem is what we need to find.

A /reload doesn't just reset GSE. It resets every mod and every variable in your game client. In the programming world, we talk about problem and effect. People often report the effect or symptom thinking that is the problem. In order to identify the problem we need to work through eliminating one small change at a time. It's almost like hitting a target. With a rifle, you have one shot and you know exactly where that bullet went. With a shotgun you have a bunch of pellets and while one of them hit the bullseye you can't tell which pellet or why. A /reload is like the shotgun approach to the problem. It did something but doesn't tell us why or what it reset.

Something else to try: if you do normal macros with the same spells are these locked up? (eg a simple macro of /cast Immolation Aura on an action bar for example.)

GSE is not locking up if you are seeing this:

If GSE was locking up you would see the same line over and over again.


So I have the reset button for combat ending gold checked on all my macros, this doesn't free it up when combat ends. I know GSE isn't locking up, it's weird that the game thinks I'm trying to cast the metamorphosis abilities when I'm not in meta form (even though the names of the meta abilities are nowhere in the macro).

So when you're asking to try "normal" macros you mean to try and see if the regular in game macros work correct? Cause the in game abilities work perfectly fine when this issue occurs I just have to manually hit the buttons. I can try this next time.

Also, not sure if this helps at all, but... when eye beam comes back up and I use it (putting me back into metamorphosis due to my azurite powers) everything works fine again..... until the 8 seconds of meta wears off.


I mean a macro of

/cast abilitythatisnotworking

Will try and let you know


(In a normal /macro macro rather than a GSE Macro)


I found the problem and the partial solution. It is indeed a problem with DH Macros and affects potentially all DH macros not just GSE.

The solution is to swap spec to Vengeance and then back again.


Thanks for the work around... If this happened so long ago why did the problem only start occurring for us
About a week ago?


Update: It feels like it's happening more frequently probably random. Also regular macros, as in the one you asked me to try, DO work when this issue occurs. It's something specific with GSE and the game that is causing an issue it would seem


Manual reset doesn't work. Sometimes it fixes itself after combat ends, sometimes it doesn't. /reload and changing specs work


The problem is that GSE doesn't DO anything. It doesn't perform commands or cast spells or use abilities - it just prepares an instruction and passes that to WoW's macro API. WoW's API then interprets that instruction and performs an action. Once combat starts there is no ability for GSEto change what it sends to WoW's macro API. This is one of the fundamental rules about how addons work in combat. -- Look but don't touch.

Having said that I have added an extra debug function that will be available in 2.4.15 later today. this works like /gse dumpmacro MACRONAME if you run this when it locks up and then logout (dont /reload or this wont work)

There is be a new file GSE.lua in your CHARACTER variables: eg D:\games\World of Warcraft_classic_\WTF\Account_YOURACCOUNTNAME__YOURSERVER__YOURCHARACTERNAME_\SavedVariables\GSE.lua

Could you please upload that and also the export string of the macro (If you could export this and copy it to notepad before you begin playing then post it later on with this file)


I did this twice to be sure since there is only 1 line in the lua file, let me know if this isnt what you were after. My work around for when my main macro locks up and only casts Demons Bite and Immolation Aura repeatedly is to swap to another macro that has trinket uesage enabled and that one still works (hasnt locked up on me yet).
Uploaded files are my main macro which keeps getting stuck casting the 2 abilities and the .lua file created after the freeze. Thanks!


if its worked the file will look like:



when it hangs up and i typed that command the text I typed stays in the chat window and enter doesnt do anything, is that normal? I tried escaping and typing again but once I've typed out /gse dumpmacro PACMANSHUGEWIENER and hit enter it doesnt close the command


@LordJuffel can you post the export string for your macro that doesn't lock up with trinkets enabled? I tried doing the same thing with my macro but any macro I have is locked up (with the exception of demon's bite and immolation aura)


sure thing here you go


Well i'm hoping it works for me. It NEVER hangs up on you like the other macros do? If it doesn't, then that should really help to narrow down the problem.
Everything in that macro is the exact same other than the trinkets being checked?


that one never hangs up for me unless i disable the trinket useage off, then it does hang up on me =(



Where it doesnt close the command you are getting an error. Any chance we can get hold of the error?


Tried the trinket macro you posted..... locks up for me everytime along with the rest


I didnt wait for it to lockup before testing this, but after logging in and enabling lua errors then executing the command the error I recieve is:

Message: Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Events.lua:350: attempt to index global 'GSE_C' (a nil value)
Time: Sat Aug 31 10:53:17 2019
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Events.lua:350: attempt to index global 'GSE_C' (a nil value)
...ce\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:582: in function <...ce\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:542>
[C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Events.lua:350: in function ?' ...ns\AskMrRobot\Libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.lua:94: in function ?'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4836: in function ChatEdit_ParseText' Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4497: in function ChatEdit_SendText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4533: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4529>
[C]: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string ":OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string ":OnEnterPressed"]:1>

Locals: errMsg = "Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Events.lua:350: attempt to index global 'GSE_C' (a nil value)"
tsmErrMsg = nil
oldModule = nil
private = {
AddonBlockedEvent = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:334
num = 0
ErrorHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:116
hitInternalError = false
errorFrame = {
origErrorHandler = defined @interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:295
FormatErrorMessageSection = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:349
SanitizeString = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:342
errorReports =

IsTSMAddon = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:312
localLinesTemp =
GetStackInfo = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\ErrorHandler.lua:280


I just typed that and hit enter and nothing happened, no errors or anything BUT the dumpmacro seems to be working now =)
I have to go out for a hour or so but when I get home next time I play I'll run the run when I login and then the dump when it locks up and paste the .lua file. Thanks Timothy.


yes it's pretty much guaranteed to happen for me in Waycrest Manor, either in the hallways near triad or hallways near the fat boss, though I have seen it pop up in other dungeons/raids, just with much less frequency. Most of the time that I've caught it happen, i'm either facing a wall or something is overhead... it really does feel like there's an environmental component to it but that sounds crazy. @LordJuffel have you noticed any consistencies when it happens to you?


No it can happen anywhere for me, usually world questing but it happened once in raid before I fell back to my one that never locks up. I use my non locking up one in raids and dungeons because I can’t afford lockup’s there :( but my dps is lower due to trinket useage. Could you guys do the dumpmacro thing too to help Timothy find the cause?


I'm still wondering how it is that you have a macro that does not lock up at all but that same macro doesn't work for me... I don't have a Trinket that could be activated, I wonder if that's it


Could be just dumb luck, who knows! I find it really interesting that in your screenshot:

It is trying to cast the empowered versions of Chaos Strike and Blade Dance (Anihalation and Death Sweep) when they are not available (you are no longer in demon form). Demons Bite and Immolation Aura don't have empowered versions and their names dont change so it can still cast those fine. It's like either the game or GSE is seeing you enter demon form and picking up the new (empowered) ability names but then not dropping back to the old names once you drop demon form.
I see a shadow priest has just posted a similar thing they are seeing where their Void Eruption spell wont cast for them, that's a similar situation where when they go into madness that spell changes names to void bolt and then goes back to Void Eruption after madness ends. Out of interest how do you get that spell cast window to appear? I'd like to test manually going into demon form once it locks up to see if it casts the empowered spells OK once the bug occurs and if it fixes once the 2nd demon form ends maybe.


I may have found something. The next alpha going to curse 2.4.15-5-xxxxxx <-- could you have a look and see if that has the solution to this issue?


Running alpha version 2.4.15-5-g08e8531 I still have the issue sorry. Attached is my macro dump file and macro export.


Just popping in to say i have this same issue too as DH, and curiously i've only ever seen it happen in waycrest manor for me, has worked fine on every other area in the game.

Very odd that it only happens in waycrest, similar to a post earlier lining out that it only happens in tight corridors.

note that i haven't tried the new alpha though and wont be running WCM right now anyways so can't test if it fixes it for me yet.


@LordJuffel You copied me your account GSE.lua file - i need the character GSE.lua file

Instead of

D:\games\World of Warcraft_classic_\WTF\Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\YOURSERVER\SavedVariables\GSE.lua

In need the one from

D:\games\World of Warcraft_classic_\WTF\Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\YOURSERVER\YOURCHARACTERNAME\SavedVariables\GSE.lua


I am however seeing a Crap ton of problems with the macro PACMANSHUGEWEINER itself. It was created on a very old version of GSE.

Could you try to open the macro, edit and save it. It might be as simple as that.

Way down under the covers this is what a macro looks like in GSE:

["DV8-RAIDv2"] = {
			["Helplink"] = "",
			["Talents"] = "1312211 Standard Talents",
			["Author"] = "DV8",
			["ManualIntervention"] = false,
			["Default"] = 1,
			["Help"] = "- DV8-DH-Havoc v2.1 for Raiding and Mytic+\nI run this macro at 30ms with my Razer set up.\n\n- Press ALT for Eye Beam\n- Press Shift (You can add whatever ability to this - I use Fel Barrage and Chaos Nova)",
			["SpecID"] = 577,
			["Icon"] = "",
			["MacroVersions"] = {
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] 188499", -- [1]
					"/cast [nochanneling] 258920", -- [2]
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] 188499", -- [3]
					"/cast [nochanneling] 162794", -- [4]
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] 188499", -- [5]
					"/castsequence [nochanneling,combat] 162794, 188499", -- [6]
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] 188499", -- [7]
					"/cast [nochanneling] 162243", -- [8]
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] 188499", -- [9]
					"/castsequence [nochanneling] 162794, 188499", -- [10]
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] 188499", -- [11]
					["LoopLimit"] = "",
					["PostMacro"] = {
					["Head"] = false,
					["Neck"] = false,
					["Belt"] = false,
					["Ring1"] = false,
					["Trinket1"] = true,
					["Ring2"] = false,
					["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
					["Trinket2"] = true,
					["KeyPress"] = {
						"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
						"/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling] 198013", -- [2]
						"/cast [mod:shift] Fel Barrage", -- [3]
						"/cast [mod:ctrl] 179057", -- [4]
					["PreMacro"] = {
					["KeyRelease"] = {
				}, -- [1]

This is what PacMan's looks like:

			["Helplink"] = "BLADEPRO FOR ANY HELP OR ?",
			["Talents"] = "2311211",
			["MacroVersions"] = {
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] Blade Dance", -- [1]
					"/cast [nochanneling] Immolation Aura", -- [2]
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] Blade Dance", -- [3]
					"/cast [nochanneling] Chaos Strike", -- [4]
					"/castsequence [nochanneling,combat] Demon's Bite, Demon's Bite", -- [5]
					"/cast [nochanneling,combat] Blade Dance", -- [6]
					"/castsequence [nochanneling] Chaos Strike, Chaos Strike", -- [7]
					["LoopLimit"] = "",
					["PostMacro"] = {
					["Head"] = false,
					["Neck"] = false,
					["Belt"] = false,
					["Ring1"] = false,
					["KeyPress"] = {
						"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
						"/castsequence [mod:alt,nochanneling] Chaos Nova", -- [2]
						"/cast [mod:Shift,@player,combat] Metamorphosis", -- [3]
						"/cast [mod:ctrl] Consume Magic", -- [4]
					["KeyRelease"] = {
					["Trinket2"] = false,
					["Trinket1"] = true,
					["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
					["PreMacro"] = {
					["Ring2"] = false,
				}, -- [1]
			["ReadOnly"] = false,
			["ManualIntervention"] = true,
			["Help"] = "Run at 20ms for best results\nx69 Barrage of many Bombs (eng) op af in M+ \nx69 Thirsting Blades \nx69 Revolving Blades\nSMASH THOSE KEYSTONES",
			["Author"] = "DADDY MONSTERCOCK",
			["Default"] = 1,
			["SpecID"] = 577,
			["EnforceCompatability"] = false,

All the smart spell stuff works because of the /cast 89123 stuff. We say /cast spellname, GSE Looks at that and gets the base spellid and stores that. Before you go to combat it converts the numbers back to their current spells based on talents. Because this is stored as strings it may be part of the disconnect.


The macro I've been using (posted earlier in this thread) has been edited and saved many times since I started having this issue I've tried altering the lines thinking that was the issue....


ok so just to clarify..... macro 2 will look something like this?

/use chaos strike
/use annihilation
/use blade dance
/use death sweep


On my waycrest run only way the macro continued working was to eye beam which gave me meta in demonic build, perhaps it was trying to cast annihilation and death sweep out of metamorphosis indeed.


yes that is the issue. The problem is that in game macros for the regular abilities work perfectly fine when this problem happens which means there's some sort of disconnect between gse and the game.


For the modifiers in my macro, they aren’t actually used on mine I am just lazy and haven’t removed them. My main macro is assigned to actionbarbutton1 which has f9 as the keybind. Actionbarbutton2 has alt-f9 as the keybind and is another macro with eyebeam on it and same for control and shift I have them on other action at buttons with other macros on them. I’ll delete the modifiers from my main macro and create those 2 versions when I get some solid playtime and get back to you with the results. Thanks for the updates and assistance!


In the mean time as a side nugget, when my macro locks up I have my “good” macro assigned to f10 so if a raid boa is on 60% and my main macro starts using strike only I move to the second macro and it uses the abilities fine without dropping combat, reloading or changing spec. I realise my macro is using old code though so I’m going to create 3 from scratch tonight for testing fully.


So I was half asleep this morning when I made the 2nd macro..... but I can CONFIRM that /use works when it locks up!! it was only firing off blade dance because I messed up the macro. but blade dance was firing during the "lock up" when ordinarily it wouldn't. Also, /usesequence doesn't seem to work at all. Thank you so much for your work, I can definitely make a back-up macro now at least for when the issue occurs


yeah so made a backup macro using only /use and it works just fine when the lock ups happen


I don't see an option to download that version. how did you do that


Need to take lib directory from the ordinary curse release.


Thanks. Don't want to be premature with this, but seems like that build works! First time running Waycrest without a lockup


I had the same problem. Then I downgraded to version 2.4.07 around two days ago, after that everything have worked perfectly. Hope it might help some.


Had to sign up to say im having the exact same issue, myne can happen anywhere (even in open world) and only fix iv found is /reload.

I tried a cast sequence macro and it actually shows the annihilation icon when its stuck. So as you said earlier it thinks im still in meta. I can manually use chaos strike but the macro still sticks waiting for annihilation to become available.


yes annihilation is the meta version of chaos strike (chaos strike icon turns to annihilation during meta) however the icon on GSE stays as annihilation even after meta when it gets stuck.

i only tried the cast sequence to see if i could figure out what was happening/where it was sticking before i found this thread.


Yes this issue happens even without any castsequence line in the macro though


Annihilation is no where in the macro that locks up. On my backup macro that uses /use instead of /cast I have both annihilation and chaos strike but that macro never locks up. /use is fixing it somehow


Same annihilation is not in my macro at all but it is used when in meta in place of chaos strike and the same for Death Sweep & Blade Dance.


Ok but when using /use do you need both instances of the ability such as chaos strike and annihilation or can you just do /use chaos strike and it'll hit both similar to /cast?


Yeah, just popped up for me on another Waycrest :(


interestingly since the alpha before the one that was released today ive not had any hang ups, the only other thing I did at the same time was remove my modifier abilities from my pre macro because they weren't doing anything. I'll keep playing and feed back at the end of the week if I do have a re-occurence.


I can also confirm that /use seems to have fixed the issue for me


It's been a full week now of solid playing with the alpha versions and I've not had any more lockups with my original macro. Not sure what has changed but im very happy its all working thank you =)