GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Allow players to keybind directly a GSE macro.

TimothyLuke opened this issue · 17 comments


GorodinToday at 6:37 PM
how do i attach a keybind to a macro?
in classic

TimothyLukeToday at 6:37 PM
drag the macro to an action bar then bind that slot
being able to keybind a macro directly is something i should prob add

GorodinToday at 6:38 PM
i have a source you can look into 😉 bindpad on curseforge, it's not updated for classic yet :slight_smile:

TimothyLukeToday at 6:39 PM
downside is you probably wouldnt be able to add [mod:shift] etc to your macro


keybinding a macro to a F or number key is easy with addon DOMINOS...import macro..change to ? ...drag ? Icon to action bar.. bind F keys or Number keys to that action key. thinking this is what you guys are talking about but could be wrong..but thats what i have been doing. But then again im a macro virgin..


Based on Dragonflight changes this is no longer practical or possible.


this isnt pretty but its in and works:





@DeanRx thanks for reaching out. I appreciate the feedback.


Reopening this as from the TWW changes this is both necessary and practical.


I wanted to test using a Macro line with directly keybinding a GSE Sequence.


There is a bit of stuff you will need to look at closely to understand this image. FIrstly the first Action is set to type "Macro" and has the single command /cast [@cursor] Final Reckoning This Sequence is keybound to the '2' key. If you look closely at the bottom action bar where this Sequence lives, you will see that Divine Steed has a 1, Blade has a 3 but Divine Toll has a Dot.

I was able to bind and run the line of macro text via /run SetBindingClick("2", "RETTEST", _G["RETTEST"])

I will build an interface for this as it will be Spec/character specific


If you can use a shift mod then the shift+key is not used and can be set seperatly anyway.

Keybinding directly to the macros is a must for any good macro addon.

ISBoxer dose it well in its multi boxing software.


Oh i see what you mean, Thats true but i think it is still well worth having keybinds direct as you can keybind so many mods like alt+shift+ctrl+key it will be hard to run out tbh.

Programable keys on hardware get arround allot of keybind issues i would say if your thinking on going for direct keybinds go for it as it can only improve the addon by apealing to more people adding this function wont make people less intrested


Actualy i just found this guide so mabey its not as needed as i thourght.

[Guide] Keybind Macros / Moves that are NOT On You're Action Bars
This is a guide on how to keybind macros and spells that are not on your action bars...

For spells type out...
/run SetBindingSpell("BUTTON", "SPELL")

For macros type out...
/run SetBindingMacro("BUTTON", "MACRO_NAME")
**Note the macro has to be named something unique, or it won't work!

Now you get to mess around with you're keybind... if you like it type out...
/run SaveBindings(2)
**Note if you want to save the binding for ALL CHARACTERS change the 2 to a 1

BAM!! you just keybinded a spell / macro without having it be on you're action bars!


Yep just for normal macros after checking it out. I guess direct keybinds to GSE is back on the menu lol


Im still looking at this and It's technically feasible.

The challenge is the UI for this. If you have static things like "Macro1", "Macro2" and they stay the same every time you can register these with WoW and they will appear in the Keybindings interface. If however these change because everyone's macro has a different name, the keybinding is set but only visible in GSE's options not in WoW's Keybinding list. The risk is someone misses a keybinding as its only visible in GSE not in the main keybinding interface.

The alternative is to allow say macro 1 to macro10 and then have the user choose which macro is macro1 for keybindings. This is clunky at best and annoying.