GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Multiple bugs found in classic GSE

Sharkythesharkdog opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Bug number one is an easy one.
When selecting global as a specialization/cllass ID the macro icon created still ends up in the player specific macro list not the global list.

I have managed to just copy and paste the code inside created macro to a macro with the same name in the global macro list and it worked but its not ideal.

Bug number two is an issue i have with the same macro.
Whenever i reload the game i need save the macro again.

The macro itself is very simple

It has all the health potions that are available in-game in the keypress part and it looks like this:
/use best health stone
/use best pot
/use second best pot
/use second best health stone

Bug number tree happens when you try to resize the edit window super easy to recreate for me just going in the window and resizing it frame rate drops like crazy and spam resizing breaks my UI.

p.s this is more a request then a bug report, this macro that I just mentioned works with #showtooltip in the standard UI however when I create it in GSE it does not show tooltips. not a big deal but it would make me super happy if you where able to somehow make that work.

Anyways Tank you for making such a great add-on.


Bug three is a known issue and not one I am able to fix. See #262

The request is not something that is possible as GSE doesn't update the icon till you use the macro.

Bug 2 - I cannot replicate

Bug 1 - I am also not able to replicate.


Actually fixed the first item