GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


setting for different versions Issue

JDZWOW opened this issue · 7 comments


I have issue with setting a version for say PVP.
GSE will still wind up using the pvp version even when im doing PVE such as in a dungeon.
I dont know why


Are you in war mode or flagged? If you are flagged in classic this overrides other options.


Im playing classic. I haven't played retail since classic came out, but as i recall I had this issue in retail as well. I would have posted about this a long time ago, but you have comment disabled on curseforge and I really did not feel like making an account here just to report this. Now i have a second issue with GSE and it finally has bugged me enough that i made an account here to report this. If i can recall GSE has never been able to use the correct tab you set. Therefore i always just leave default and all others the same and manually change the default when i want. it would be nice if it worked as intended though.


any updates on this issue?


So far it is working for me exactly as it is supposed to. I can’t get it to do what you are describing. If I flag it uses PvP and when I unflag it changes back. If I’m flagged on classic and go into a dungeon it still uses PvP. When I unflag to goes to Dungeon.


I only have comments disabled on Curseforge as I don’t see them so don’t respond to them.


so youre saying that if im in a contested zone it will automatically use the pvp version?
if thats the case then ok if thats how it works. I was under the impression this would only be used if i happen to be fighting an enemy player
