GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE Not Responding

Backstabbob opened this issue · 4 comments


First off thank you for all your work on this addon!! So, this morning the addon was working absolutely perfect when all of a sudden the icon stayed on the question mark instead of rotating through all the skills written into the macro. When I noticed this I did two /reload ui and still nothing. When the battle ground was over I decided to check all my other toons and it was the same on all. Additionally, when I type /gsse or /gse and press enter it does absolutely nothing. Then I double check to see if my keyboard enter button worked and I tested functions in wow that required the button press and the both were fine.

I am a huge fan of yours and of the lazy macros but alas I am not all that savy when it comes to coding or technical related issues when it comes to this issue.

Thank you so much for your time.


Many thanks for this nifty addon. But i seem to have the same problem as Backstabbob described. I found out when i tried to edit a macro. I save it and when i afterwards exam the macro, none of the edited items are changed. Existing macro's work fine, but can't be edited. With regards, George


It looks like it indeed, i deleted the macro, but with no success. So I ended up deleting GSE and re-installing it again. All works fine again. Thanks for your quick response.
