GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


/cast Heart Essence can lock the game if called by a character that doesn't have a Heart of Azeroth

Strom98 opened this issue · 10 comments


Hi. Im jusing GSE alot. Lately when im using my macros, they suddenly stop working, and i cant even click my spells manually. I have to reload/relog to fix this... Is this a macro problem or a addon problem?


This is also happening to me, however, it doesn't happen when GSE is not installed, so I figure it's actually gse causing it.


I don't get these github power freaks seriously it's your shit fix it my dude


Do you know a fix for it?


YOu need to work throught your addons and determine the cause.


I have the same Problem, and find just hitting esc resets it and lets you use hotkeys and click/interact with things.


I am having this problem and it took me 2 days to find out why and it turns out to be GSE.

I ran through all my addons starting from scratch after an interface reset and things started breaking once GSE was installed.

You mention it is because the macro is broken, which may very well be true as I had this problem only on hunters (level 90, took out heart essence). Turned out to be Elfau's 8.3 BM macro:

Now you point at the macro for causing this but please look at your code as well. This bug does not just lock up your macro, it prevents your character from using any skills and items.. you can't even auto attack because of this.

I created a vid to showcase what happens if GSE locks up:
It pretty much comes down to:

  • Everything is fine and you can attack
  • GSE breaks
  • You can now no longer cast spells or use items
  • You can't auto attack anything (right clicking a mob does nothing, you can do /startattack but that is the only way to trigger auto attacks)

This is not a macro problem, this is a bad exception handling problem and should be fixed.
