GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE not working

Ysasmendi opened this issue · 0 comments


EDIT: Fixed it by disabling GSE:LBD. Any clues why this is making it fail?

Yesterday it was working perfectly. Since this morning, all my macros have the question mark icon and nothing happens when I click on them.

Some data:

· I have not installed/updated, any other addon.
· I have deleted GSE and reinstalled. No change.
· I have deleted settings through Curse. No change.
· I try to delete my GSE Macros manually and through /gs cleanorphans and I they are still there.
· I try to change a Macro's name and save, and it doesn't register the change.
· I have deactivated all my addons except for GSE and still no change.
· My standard Macros work fine.

Any clue or log file that I can post? Thanks.