GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros



DeanRx opened this issue · 10 comments


signed into wow. 8/17/20 am.. macros worked fine.. added a warlock demon. Elfy rev. 8/11/20 2112111 to my lock and everything was ok.. signed out.. signed back in about 1 hr later and ALL MY MACROS for 13 toons, 2-3 different sets on each toon are GONE. they are still in my macro list but not on gsse.. ???? WTH happened ??


I'm also having the issue on some of my accounts (I have 5). 4 of them lost there macros after working successfully.
I'm using the GSE 2.6.01 - alpha17-shadowlands on BFA not PTR.
I've restored the wtf file from a backup and it worked for a while and then when I logged in, no error, just no macros.
In the one account that is working, in the WTF file, I noticed that GSELibrary = nil and GSELegacyLibraryBackup has all the stuff that used to be in GSELibrary.


I just noticed a new top level key in the WTF file called GSEStorage. The one account that is working has that, the others have it as an empty table {}.


i am also running 2.5.11. updating to current removes my macros. they are still in the .bak (bigger size). copying back to .lua does not work, still no macros, and logging out makes the GSE.lua almost empty again.
(i have 1.5 month old backup of files so i can copy back old addon/lua combination and play again)

I am remaking my UI in 2 weeks, so it is not an issue for me, just leaving a comment to show that it affects more people.


Closing this as its a duplicate of #668 -- Both of these disappear in 6 days with PrePatch anyway.