GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Save Macros in WTF in unescaped notation

TimothyLuke opened this issue · 1 comments


Just need to fix pre and post macro

        ["GuardAoE"] = {
                "/cast Mangle", -- [1]
                "/cast Thrash", -- [2]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [3]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [4]
                "/cast Maul", -- [5]
                "/cast Thrash", -- [6]
                "/cast Incapacitating Roar", -- [7]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [8]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [9]
                "/cast Thrash", -- [10]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [11]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [12]
                "/cast Swipe", -- [13]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [14]
                "/cast Thrash", -- [15]
                "/cast Gesträubtes Fell", -- [16]
                "/cast Mark of Ursol", -- [17]
                "/cast Barkskin", -- [18]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [19]
                "/cast Swipe", -- [20]
                "/cast Mangle", -- [21]
                ["PostMacro"] = "|cffddaaff/use|r [combat] Berserking\n",
                ["author"] = "Gizmo",
                ["source"] = "Local",
                ["lang"] = "enUS",
                ["version"] = 1,
                ["StepFunction"] = "    limit = limit or 1\n    if step == limit then\n     limit = limit % #macros + 1\n       step = 1\n  else\n      step = step % #macros + 1\n end\n",
                ["helpTxt"] = "Talents: 2131332",
                ["specID"] = 104,
                ["icon"] = "Ability_Druid_CatForm",
                ["PreMacro"] = "|cffddaaff/cast|r [@player,nostance:1] Bear Form(shapeshift)\n|cffddaaff/targetenemy|r [noharm][dead]\n",
            }, -- [1]