GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Getting caught in cast sequence loop

GaryREM opened this issue · 3 comments


On Shadowlands beta I have a line

/castsequence reset=target Corruption, null

in my KeyPress segment.

This works fine most of the time. However, occasionally ends up continuously looping and recasting Corruption while skipping everything else. If I release the key or go to another target, it will break the loop and return to normal.

Running at 105 ms


This is a bug with Castsequence itself. Blizzard broke this in Legions beta and never fixed it. Using Null in a castsequence for them, is not intended behaviour and they have no intention of changing that at all. Blizzard needs to fix this, GSE cant.

I would suggest instead using the PreMacro box for this or putting Corruption on a mod key.
