GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Some Macros not functioning

avprerunners opened this issue · 9 comments


Anyone have this working on release? Everything seems to load up properly but when clicking on the macro icon after dragging it to a action bar nothing happens.


The Next Release will have some updated names as I removed Test and PTR and Legion from names.

If you want to short cut that - steal the GS-DraiksMacros from here. I didnt get to upload this to wowinterface in time.


Seratonin - Arcane Mage runs out and goes into autoattack mode.


@avprerunners I've added in #8 to deal with left over macros. As the macros are finite this should be relatively easy.


Did you install from WowInterface or GitHub?

The GitHub repository has untested code that may not be working. I ran the wowinterface release on the client before i went to work this morning.

Also have you hit the Scam warning dialog? It will say that running a custom script may cost you gold etc. You can trigger this dialog independant of GS-E via /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()


I'm on the Wow Interface Release. I just triggered the scam dialog and its still not working...normal macros will work...just not the GS ones

commented it looks like some macros aren't working


If you can spot any that arent working would love to get them fixed asap


It looks like I had abunch loaded from when I used the Git Hub one before I found the Wow interface release...I had a bunch of them so I deleted all the macros i had and reloaded...that seems to have only put back in the working ones this time...Great work on this :-)


This should be resolved in 1.0.2 - Marking as closed