GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE2: Classic wow addon issue

pogodaclown-hub opened this issue · 22 comments


Updated to version this morning and all my data is gone ingame i cant import anything any suggestions?

Sequence Named FURY_DUNGEONS_AND_RAIDS was not specifically designed for this version of the game. It may need adjustments.
[11:25:06] Storage Close to Maximum Personal Macros. You can have a maximum of 18 macros per character. You currently have 18. As a result this macro was not created. Please delete some macros and reenter /gs again.

i have no macros there all gone i dont get it and if i do how do i get them back lol........




in wow type /m and delete some of the old macro stubs in there. You will see you have the maximum amount of 18


ok that worked for import but is there a way to get my old macros back maybe saved somewhere im missing via game files ?


Not sure on that, i know macro's are stored here but this might be one for timothy

Program Files\World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\SavedVariables


yeah i tried that ill just half to redo them. no biggie just take a few hours im a fury prot tank so its just gunna take a few hours i use 7 macros with GSE for diff gear setups that work wit eachouther ohh well ty for ur help


Date: 2020-10-14 12:47:30
ID: 9
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: [string "GSEStorage[CLASSID] = {}"] line 1:
table index is nil
[C]: ?
[string "GSEStorage[CLASSID] = {}"]:1: in main chunk
[C]: RunScript()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2033: ?()
[C]: ChatEdit_ParseText()
[C]: ChatEdit_SendText()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4392: ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed()
[string ":OnEnterPressed"]:1:
[string "
[C]: ?
errMsg = "[string "GSEStorage[CLASSID] = {}"]:1: table index is nil"
isBugGrabber = nil
tsmErrMsg = nil
oldModule = nil
private =

globalNameTranslation =
FormatErrorMessageSection = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:517
ErrorHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:134
origErrorHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\RCLootCouncil_Classic\RCLootCouncil\Core\ErrorHandler.lua:144
hitInternalError = false
CreateErrorFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:536
num = 0
SanitizeString = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:510
AddonBlockedHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:502
GetStackLevelInfo = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:344
ParseLocals = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:396
ignoreErrors = false
errorReports =
IsTSMAddon = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:478
localLinesTemp =
GetStackInfo = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:313
1 = "TradeSkillMaster_Accounting"
2 = "TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB"
3 = "TradeSkillMaster_Auctioning"
4 = "TradeSkillMaster_Crafting"
5 = "TradeSkillMaster_Destroying"
6 = "TradeSkillMaster_Mailing"
7 = "TradeSkillMaster_Shopping"
8 = "TradeSkillMaster_Vendoring"
9 = "TradeSkillMaster_Warehousing"

Swatter, v8.2.6377 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Atlas, vv1.47.03.11304.00
AtlasDungeonLocs, vv1.47.00.11303.00
AtlasLootClassic, vv1.5.6
AtlasLootClassicData, vv1.5.6
AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv1.5.6
AucAdvanced, v8.2.6430 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucFilterBasic, v8.2.6364 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatHistogram, v8.2.6366 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatiLevel, v8.2.6370 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatPurchased, v8.2.6367 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatSimple, v8.2.6399 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatStdDev, v8.2.6369 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucUtilFixAH, v8.2.6371 (SwimmingSeadragon)
auxaddon, v1.0.5
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v9.0.1
BagnonScrap, v8.3.0
Bartender4, v4.10.1
BeanCounter, v8.2.6434 (SwimmingSeadragon)
BetterAuraTracker, v
BigBrainTanking, v0.4.1
BigDebuffs, vv9.5
CharacterStatsClassic, v3.6.5
ClassicAuraDurations, v1.13.61
ClassicCastbars, v1.3.12
ClassicCastbarsOptions, v
DBMCore, v1.13.61-2-gfb7404c
DBMCountPackHotS, v1.7.9
DBMCountPackOverwatch, v1.4.13
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMSoundEventsPack, v1.6.7
DBMSpellTimers, vr125
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
DBMVPVEM, v10.0.0
Details, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsSunderCount, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
Dismounter, v1.2.1
eAlignClassic, vClassic
Enchantrix, v8.2.6428 (SwimmingSeadragon)
EnchantrixBarker, v8.2.6469 (SwimmingSeadragon)
ExRT, v4330
ExtendedCharacterStats, v2.6.1
Farmer, v3.3.1
FarmingBar, vFarmingBar-v2.1.1
FasterLooting, v1.1.2
GatherMate2, v1.45.6-classic
GatherMate2MapButton, v1.1
GigaAutoResourcesTracker, v1.1.0
GSE, v2.6.06
GSEGUI, v2.6.06
GSELDB, v2.6.06
Informant, v8.2.6374 (SwimmingSeadragon)
ItemRack, v
KeepTheHerbs, v1.2.r12
LeatrixMaps, v1.13.81
LeatrixPlus, v1.13.81
MissingTradeSkillsList, v1.13.51
Misspelled, v1.7.7
MobInfo2Classic, v11302.04
Necrosis, v7.4
NovaWorldBuffs, v1.82
OmniCC, v9.0.0
Pawn, v2.4
Prat30, v3.8.26-3-g1f17b47
Prat30Libraries, v
ProcAlert, v11302.8
Questie, v6.0.5
RCLootCouncilClassic, v0.11.2
RCLootCouncilExtraUtilities, v0.11.1
ReagentData, v2.4.1
RingMenu, v2.2.1
Salvationed, v
Scrap, v8.3.2
SexyMap, vv5-classic
SkillInfoPlus, v1.0
SlideBar, v8.2.6375 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Songflowers, v1.0
Spy, v1.1.2
Stubby, v8.2.6376 (SwimmingSeadragon)
TidyPlatesThreatPlates, v10.0.0
TinyTooltip, v8.2.1
TitanClassic, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicAmmo, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicBag, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicClock, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicGold, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicLocation, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicLootType, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicPerformance, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicRegen, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicRepair, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicVolume, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicXP, v1.2.4.11305
TradeSkillMaster, vv4.10.9
TradeSkillMasterAppHelper, vv4.0.9
TradeSkillMasterStringConverter, v8.3-release1
VendorPrice, v1.3.7
WeakAuras, v3.0.0
ZGAutoRoll, v1.02-Release
ZPerl, v5.9.8
ZPerlArcaneBar, v
ZPerlParty, v
ZPerlPartyPet, v
ZPerlPlayer, v
ZPerlPlayerBuffs, v
ZPerlPlayerPet, v
ZPerlRaidAdmin, v
ZPerlRaidFrames, v
ZPerlRaidHelper, v
ZPerlRaidMonitor, v
ZPerlRaidPets, v
ZPerlTarget, v
ZPerlTargetTarget, v
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.13.5.11305


this is what i get


all that means to me is $%@@$^@$%^ lol


The update may or may not have been able to complete properly. Can you please upload your GSE.lua file? From there I can say what can and can’t be done.

This part: FURY_DUNGEONS_AND_RAIDS was not specifically designed for this version of the game. It may need adjustments.

This is a warning that the macro was made on a 2.5.x version of GSE. For retail this is more important if trying to use a BFA macro in Shadowlands. For Classic it should be safe to ignore and is a one off.

Each sequence in GSE needs a macro stub in WoW’s /macro interface to operate. The /macro part has a limit of 18 character macros but you can also use the 100 shared account macros if you need more. There is an option in GSE’s option to use Account macros if the character space gets full. It’s off by default as people didn’t just want this space overrun.


all i see is GSE_GUI GSE and GSE_LDB


i type in GSE.lua and it isn't coming up with anything lol


i bet thats my issue the lua file doesnt exist


GSEOptions = {
["use2"] = false,
["showGSEUsers"] = false,
["UnfoundSpellIDs"] = {
["COMMENT"] = "|cff55cc55",
["filterList"] = {
["All"] = true,
["Spec"] = true,
["Global"] = true,
["Class"] = true,
["use11"] = false,
["debug"] = true,
["CONCAT"] = "|cffcc7777",
["CommandColour"] = "|cFF00FF00",
["hideSoundErrors"] = false,
["Update2410"] = true,
["requireTarget"] = false,
["Update2411"] = true,
["useTranslator"] = false,
["initialised"] = true,
["resetOOC"] = true,
["MacroResetModifiers"] = {
["Alt"] = false,
["LeftControl"] = false,
["LeftButton"] = false,
["LeftAlt"] = false,
["RightAlt"] = false,
["RightButton"] = false,
["Button4"] = false,
["Button5"] = false,
["MiddleButton"] = false,
["RightControl"] = false,
["Control"] = false,
["Shift"] = false,
["LeftShift"] = false,
["AnyMod"] = false,
["RightShift"] = false,
["EmphasisColour"] = "|cFFFFFF00",
["WOWSHORTCUTS"] = "|cffddaaff",
["deleteOrphansOnLogout"] = false,
["showMiniMap"] = {
["hide"] = true,
["DefaultDisabledMacroIcon"] = "Interface\Icons\INV_MISC_BOOK_08",
["use13"] = false,
["UseWLMExportFormat"] = true,
["use1"] = false,
["HideLoginMessage"] = false,
["DebugPrintModConditionsOnKeyPress"] = false,
["use14"] = false,
["EQUALS"] = "|cffccddee",
["CreateGlobalButtons"] = false,
["sendDebugOutputToChatWindow"] = true,
["DisabledSequences"] = {
["sendDebugOutputToDebugOutput"] = true,
["KEYWORD"] = "|cff88bbdd",
["ErroneousSpellID"] = {
["editorHeight"] = 700,
["STRING"] = "|cff888888",
["saveAllMacrosLocal"] = true,
["ActiveSequenceVersions"] = {
["editorWidth"] = 500,
["TitleColour"] = "|cFFFF0000",
["hideUIErrors"] = false,
["clearUIErrors"] = false,
["Updated801"] = true,
["DebugModules"] = {
["INDENT"] = "|cffccaa88",
["NUMBER"] = "|cffffaa00",
["autoCreateMacroStubsClass"] = true,
["Update2305"] = true,
["UseVerboseExportFormat"] = false,
["PromptSample"] = true,
["RealtimeParse"] = false,
["overflowPersonalMacros"] = false,
["UNKNOWN"] = "|cffff6666",
["UnfoundSpells"] = {
["null"] = true,
["nul"] = true,
["AuthorColour"] = "|cFF00D1FF",
["use6"] = false,
["AddInPacks"] = {
["Samples"] = {
["Version"] = "2.6.06",
["Name"] = "Samples",
["SequenceNames"] = {
"Assorted Sample Macros", -- [1]
["autoCreateMacroStubsGlobal"] = false,
["use12"] = false,
["Update2415"] = true,
["NormalColour"] = "|cFFFFFFFF",
["STANDARDFUNCS"] = "|cff55ddcc",
["showGSEoocqueue"] = true,
["setDefaultIconQuestionMark"] = true,
["Update2601"] = true,
["DefaultImportAction"] = "MERGE",
GSELibrary = nil
GSEStorage = {


hmm ok


i dont even see a GSE.lua.bak file


yeah is what it is ty for ur help


gunna save it in a back up file this time