GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Also can not import macros

GetsEmSquishy opened this issue · 4 comments


Using 2.6.31 I am not able to to consistently import macros and some that are already active become inactive?

I find completely shutting down the game and opening back up will allow me to import and create icon and use the macro. but that's it. you cant import any after even tho the debugger IS seeing the requested macro it never displays in my available macros loaded is GSE. please help as this is really annoying!


closing as no further information


On a fresh start of the game everything works great (i went ahead and disabled ALL other addons to rule out conflicts).
However simply /reload ui once breaks the program. the debug is showing its trying to work but the macros that just worked no longer work.


Try a /gse forceclean

Followed by a logout and a logon.

This needs to be a logout/login and not a /reload as there are logout actions that are not occurring the first time
