GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Addon is broken

ruslanzelinskyy opened this issue · 5 comments


Can't create/record any macros. Addon is simply broken. Last official version. Please check:


Mate if you cant tell me what is broken and which other closed issues you have looked at for a solution, I'm not watching a random video.


Could you please try to read the letters?
"Can't create/record any macros."
There is info in my comment. You can try to read it at realise that some problem exist.
I didn't created this addon and i don't know what exactly place is not working.

So don't need to justify own lazyness instead of watching 2 minute video.

Additional info:
I also thought that the problem is elvui. But disabling of the all addons didn't help.

I click save macros but macros is not saving. Don't know what else specification you need?
Also i can't move the icon to the action bar, but tooltip saying that i can (in new sequence creation menu), so i don't know if it's bug or feature.
Watch the video, there is 4 cases

  1. With elvui default sequence name.
  2. With elvui random sequence name.
  3. Without elvui default sequence name.
  4. Without elvui random sequence name.

I watched the video. He was in combat (hunter whose pet was attacking the dummy). Perhaps this was the cause?


I finally got to watch the video - your in combat. GSE cant change/import or save anything while you are in combat. It all queues up till you get out. Even at the beginning of the video you have combat numbers firing in the bottom left of the vid.