GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Translation from german client to english client does not work

MMAmacros opened this issue · 3 comments


i created macros with a german client and all spells are recognized by GSE and the spell name are blue. But when imported by several users with a english client, the names are still in german. The macros can be found here:

The addon is always updated to the latest version. This does not happen all the time, there must be some kind of function that prevents this.


Hi, since that is a error that was only happening by other users, i am not able to replicate. I have put a disclaimer with this information to the post and hope it will solve it. Thanks for checking.


GSE can only translate Spells you actively know (if you swap talents and no longer know a spell, GSE can no longer translate it) and only in /cast and /castsequence lines.
