GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Re-import using 'Rename New Macro' overwrites original macro

swancott opened this issue · 4 comments


If you re-import a macro and select the option 'Rename New Macro', It will overwrite the original.

1- Import a macro
2- Make some changes and save the macro
3- Re-Import macro and select 'Rename New Macro'
4- Change the macro's name in the 'New Sequence Name' box. Hit continue.
5- Check for the changes in the original macro and you will see everything has reset back

Let me know if you need any additional info


I sent this earlier but it hasn't saved.

Is it a case where its putting the wrong parts under the wrong label? EG original = imported and "new imported name" = original ?


I cannot replicate this try as I might. I have updated the textbox code to the current best practice. See how that works in 2.6.43.....