GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


LDB or on-screen GUI to select version of script

jamesbearclaw opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I had asked for "triggers" as an option, but this is a little simpler:

Have an on-screen box (movable) that has a list of all the scripts available to the spec with their names as buttons and let the user click on the version to use at the moment. There could be an "auto" button (or checkbox) that would instead use the "if in a dungeon use X" method. Otherwise just use the one that the user has chosen.

I have a version for raiding, for solo, for m+ and now torghast. Each one is different. As it is now, I have to go into each script and set the default to what I want at the time, since solo and torghast don't really "work". This would make life a lot easier. It would also help me to see which script I'm using at any given time.


The solution provided in #756 is a more flexible option and able to be used by everyone without major changes to GSE.