GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Cant Import using GSE2

VictoriaMarne opened this issue · 7 comments


I have been Using GSE for a long time
I used to be able to import Macros from LazyMacros
Now i hit import and it does nothing
I am not sure what i am doing wrong and I have found nothing that tells me the steps to follow to import
I have the most recent update and all i get from hitting the Import button is a Blank area with a line below it that says Import from Forums
I would appreciate any advise anyone can give me I see descriptions of Macros on Lazy but when i copy them i cannot import them in to WoW


there are certain changes that make previous version exported does not work on current version of GSE2, so downgrade to same version of the GSE where the exported string is from is probably the best choice at the moment.


You need to copy the import string from WLM and paste it into that box. The import string will look like a series of characters like “ajdjdhfjskfjfuebxndkfndbsn.....“


I cant copy and paste it will not allow it That is what i used to do. I do not know what causes that.


Ok Will try Ctrl V thank you


Ctrl V works Thank you that takes care of the import problem