GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Editing the InnerLoop while creating deletes PostMarco Information

LarryThiessen opened this issue · 3 comments


If you have your cursor in the InnerLoop and backspace the current Number to edit, when the box clears it also clears the PostMacro Information.

  • If possible could it be changed the way GSE works so it doesn't delete the information but
  • Rather ignores PostMacro if innerloop Limit Value= 0 or 1.
  • So the information is still there but its just grayed out if the number in the innerLoop is Nothing, 0, or 1

Timothy Luke
"It does that now - it moves it into a temporary spot and then puts it back when the inner loop is valid again. This is because Ace3 deletes the information when it disables the box."

Ace3 deletes the information when it disables the box and doesn't put it back, it simply lets you put information in the PostMacro again when innerloop changes back to a valid number.


Side Note Tim: This issue is happening to Macro's created older versions of GSE. Macros created with the newest version of GSE seem to be acting just as you described. Discovered this late last night when trying to show an example of the bug.
