GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


"PostMacro" Will not save and auto deletes.

Xrystus opened this issue · 2 comments


As of 2.6.42, when I tried editing my macros, the PostMacro suddenly disappeared. Luckily I remembered what was in there, a copy of PreMacro, and clicked save. Went to edit it again, and PostMacro was empty again! I kept trying to change the macro, put in something new, creating new macros, etc. Everything else saves and updates just fine. It is happening on every macro I make on any toon. I've tried reading around to see if anyone else has the problem or if it was just a new change...


This is a duplicate of #787 and a billion others. If you don’t have an Inner Loop of more than 2 your PostMacro was ignored. The Ui now shows what the mod is doing.

if you look in the Wiki here the Inner Loop page from2017 describes how the PostMacro actually works.


And a duplicate of #785