GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Stance conditional not working properly since 9.0.5

cgsub opened this issue · 3 comments


Stance conditionals seems to not be working properly.
In my case it happen with castsequence.

For instance this sequence below will actually cast in caster form (form 0):

/castsequence [form:4] reset=combat/target Starfire, Starfire, Starfire, Sunfire, Moonfire, Starfire, Starfire, Starfire

I tried with [stance:4] it didn't help.

I didn't have problem until recently with this, I wonder if it came with 9.0.5

I also noticed issues with other gse macros not using castsequence.


You would need to google what was available based off stances in WoW's macro language


Alright, thanks for reply.

Have you got any hint on how I could prevent the macro from executing as a whole based on my current stance.
Something like /stopmacro or whatever ?
