GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Unable to specific spell rank in GSE-TBC release

masonboy93 opened this issue · 5 comments


Trying to create a macro to use Rank 1 Shadow Word:Pain in order to fish for blackout procs but the addon automatically changes to the highest rank. Any advice or fixes to this issue would be greatly appreciated.



  1. Put the desired spell rank on a unused actionbarbutton
  2. Call the button from GSE with ex. /click MultiBarRightButton1

Druid example for buffprotection:

  1. I have Thorns, Mark of the Wild and Rejuv, all rank 1 on the specified actionbarbuttons
  2. GSE Sequence:
    /click MultiBarRightButton12
    /click MultiBarRightButton11
    /click MultiBarRightButton10

I've put in Classic's workaround. While it will work for 0-60 it may need to be changed for 61-70


Just a note for this: to cast your max rank, take the rank out all together. I’m hoping Blizzard has a fix before people get too far into BCC. But it may mean casting max rank and then down ranking to the Classic rank (ie if there is a rank at 62 then 68, you may need to down rank to the 70 version if you need to downrank.)


Further updates #846

Also i have a build that should be a better fix: I think i have a fix - are you able to text via (File name: ) and let me know?